Wednesday, February 27, 2013

Nurturing the future

Nurturing the future

These are the stars SUPERSTARS of the future. These stars who suffer through by studying in dark rooms under perforated roofs, with dust flying in from the unshielded ventilators and finding it harder and harder to concentrate. Look at the innocence, the innocence that reminds us of our childhoods. They share our tongue, do they not? They breathe the same air, do they not? If we are so similar, then why are there so many inequalities? Why does this gap never constrict instead of expanding?

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Growing up is not just about freedom. Age brings us a lot of responsibilitis. As you grow up, you become responsible for people other than just yourself. Those living in our immediate environment are our responsibility too. It’s our duty to respect the honourable and help those in need of help. But how much of our help would make a difference?

Thus, I tried to find out the answer. I did the calculations, figuring out just how much it takes to change the life of one student in a typical government school.

One wooden chair costs Rs. 300; one uniform costs Rs. 700, one pair of shoes for Rs. 800, school bag costs Rs. 200 and a few books. That is all we need and we produce an educated child with a future devoid of hopelessness. One child can be educated for two years for approximately Rs. 2300. That’s Rs. 3 every day for 2 years. I’m no businessman, but I can tell that’s an extremely good investment. For once, let us refrain from blaming the government. We’ll have the right to vote in a year or two. That is when we will change the system. But for now, we are going to be taking a step towards changing Pakistan.

Lack of organization
I am sitting in the class labelled (and by labelled, I mean scribbled with chalk on the door) 4-A of Government High School, Morgah right now. With inspiration around me and aspirations in my heart, I dream a dream more incredible than the ones that have been tossed around the media you have been exposed to. Someone will change Pakistan, that someone is you.

Painting the future

We are not painting a school, we are painting a child’s future, we are painting the goals a child dreams of, we are painting the whole of Pakistan. With every stroke of the brush, Pakistan is changing color . I get a feeling that I am making a difference.
